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About us


10 years

Work Experience

About Us

We are Spaniards
living in the USA
your experts in Spain

We, Isabel and Rafael, are both originally from the thriving city of Malaga, in the South of Spain. We came to the USA in 2017, and our daughter was born here in 2020.

The goal of sharing this little bio is for you to know that we have ties with both countries, Spain and the USA, and that we, like you, know what it means to move in to a foreign country or to invest in it.

After a few year in the USA, we have come to realize that there is a growing interest for Spain and, particularly, for cities like Malaga or Valencia that are always on the top of best-cities-to-live rankings.

The Southern and Eastern regions of Spain, areas that we know well, offer high quality of life, excellent transportation network, strong real estate markets, exceptional healthcare systems, international schools… No doubt why more and more people are investing or moving into the area.

As mentioned above, we know well – and love – both our Spanish culture and the American culture and, being expats ourselves, we are well aware of your concerns when investing or moving abroad.

Where are the best neighborhoods, which cities are best connected, which areas are better for the beach, the mountain, or cultural activities, which have access to the best schools, what about the taxes, health system, insurances… A lot of questions, and usually no access to locals to gather reliable information.

With all your concerns in mind, we have brought together a selected and close group of individuals, some of them our relatives, to support and accompany you in this new adventure!